Release Notes

  • The below changes are part of release 5.0.3
  • ACLs can be added based on Usernames (plain text principles). Ex : alice, john
    On kafka cluster, Producer acls reflects like below for user ‘alice’ for a topic. (principal=User:alice, host=*, operation=WRITE, permissionType=ALLOW) (principal=User:alice, host=*, operation=WRITE, permissionType=ALLOW)
  • Introducing Liquibase for all database migrations
  • Recaptcha validation can be disabled if running in saas mode

Kafkawize 5.0.0

Topics (approval): Create, Update, Delete, Promote Acls (approval): Create Connectors (approval): Create Avro Schemas (approval): Create Topic Overview :

Topic Config Promote Literal and Prefixed subscriptions Topic documentation Consumer offsets/ lag View topic contents

View created, completed, declined, all Topic requests View created, completed, declined, all Acl requests View created, completed, declined, all Connector requests View created, completed, declined, all Avro schema requests

Synchronization from and to kafka clusters Reconciliation and email notifications on differences between Kafkawize and Clusters Restore configuration (topics, acls)

Login :
Active directory integration Single Sign-on (OAuth2)
Clusters and Environments
Clusters can be created connecting to Kafka clusters. (Cluster Management Api should be configured) Environments are wrappers over clusters, enforcing flexible configs like prefix, suffix etc
Users, Teams & Authorizations
Configurable users, teams More than 35 permissions Configurable roles (Roles can be pulled from AD for authorization)
Topic naming conventions
Enforce prefix and suffixes per environment
Excel report (for your team and all teams, depending on the role)
Topics per cluster (for teams) Partitions per cluster Overall topics in all clusters Acls per cluster (for teams) Producer Acls (for teams) Consumer Acls (for teams) Consumer groups of all environments Requests per day
View charts of topics, partitions, acls, requests
Multi tenancy
Each tenant can manage their topics with their own teams in isolation. Every tenant can have their own set of Kafka environments, and users of one tenant cannot view/access topics, acls or any from other tenants. It provides an isolation avoiding any security breach.
Kafka Connectivity
All topic, acl, schema and connector requests
Email notifications when
requests are created, approved, declined users are created, approved

Help Wizard to setup Kafkawize

Kafkawize 4.5.1

Kafkawize 4.5.1 is a minor release having minor improvements

  1. Updated datasource to Hikari
  2. Connection parameters now have few caching related parameters for prepared statements.
  3. Few code enhancements
  4. Removed Cassandra datasource and related dependencies
  5. Upgrade of kafka client version in cluster api to 2.6.1

Kafkawize 4.5

Kafkawize 4.5 has several changes including the below.

  1. New dashboard displaying the following details
    1. My team topics
    2. My producer topics
    3. My consumer topics
    4. My team members
    5. Chart with Activity log overview of your team
    6. Chart with topics on different clusters of your team
    7. Pending Topics requests
    8. Available Clusters and their status
  2. Show Producer and Consumer topics when requested from Dashboard
  3. Enabled deep linking of urls
  4. Color layout similar to pro version, and updated logos
  5. Comma separated bootstrap servers for Kafka and schema registry clusters. (Removed explicit port field.)
  6. Pagination on users page
  7. Users page for a team
  8. Bug fix for displaying team on Request acl page
  9. Improvement on processing concurrent requests
  10. Code improvisation : removed commented blocks and unused FE calls
  11. Added Spring shutdown hooks and removed system exits.
  12. Removed support for Cassandra metastore option.
  13. Support for File based metastore (File - H2 database)
  14. Upgraded Kafka client to 2.5.1
  15. Database changes, following better naming conventions.

Kafkawize 4.4

  1. Changes include improved User interface and few bug fixes.
  2. Metadata Synchronize option has been removed
  3. SSL connectivity to Kafka cluster has been removed
  4. Dashboard updated to show logged in Username, Team and Role
  5. Users can now only 4 environments DEV, TST, ACC and PRD. Hierarchy is defined in properties file.
  6. New model for UserInfo class is introduced to fix a password bug
  7. Password is not stored as encrypted text
  8. Validations bug in acls and topics requests
  9. Connect to Kafka clusters during start of Kafkawize

Kafkawize 4.3

Changes include improved User interface and few bug fixes.

Kafkawize 4.2

Changes include 1. Critical bug fix - concurrent user access 1. Ability to have environments DEV, TST, ACC and PRD 2. Ability to request for topics in DTAP environments 3. Ability to view topic overview and subscriptions in one page 4. Ability to view topic partitions and replication factor of all environments in topic overview page 5. Ability to view topics and their existence in all environments 6. Updated dashboard to view your team topics

Kafkawize 4.1

Changes include 1. New Bootstrap 4 User interface with new appealing look and feel 2. New UI/UX - for great user experience 3. Few bug fixes 1. Critical bug fix - concurrent user access

Kafkawize 4.0

Changes include 1. About 320 Unit tests. Above 85% code coverage. 2. Integration tests for both stores Cassandra and Rdbms, with EmbeddedCassandra and Embedded H2 sql database 3. New UI for viewing topics 4. New UI for viewing acls of topic 5. New UI for approving topics 6. New UI for approving acls 7. New UI for login screen 8. New UI for Dashboard, showing cluster api status and kafka cluster statuses 9. Added License key validation 10. Bug fixes and code enhancements

There are several other changes and upgraded dependencies which improved the code quality and efficiency. 1. New Bootstrap 4 User interface with new appealing look and feel 2. New UX - for great user experience 3. Few bug fixes

Kafkawize 3.5

Changes include 1. New page (Admin-ServerConfig) to display server configuration - application properties 2. Default replication factor, default partitions and default max partitions can be configured from Clusters page. 3. Couple of minor bug fixes 1. About 320 Unit tests. Above 85% code coverage. 2. Integration tests for both stores Cassandra and Rdbms, with EmbeddedCassandra and Embedded H2 sql database 3. New UI for viewing topics 4. New UI for viewing acls of topic 5. New UI for approving topics 6. New UI for approving acls 7. New UI for login screen 8. New UI for Dashboard, showing cluster api status and kafka cluster statuses 9. Added License key validation 10. Bug fixes and code enhancements

There are several other changes and upgraded dependencies which improved the code quality and efficiency.

Kafkawize 3.4

Changes include

  1. Decline Topic requests
  2. Decline Acl requests

3. Bug fix in creating topic request 1. New page (Admin-ServerConfig) to display server configuration - application properties 2. Default replication factor, default partitions and default max partitions can be configured from Clusters page. 3. Couple of minor bug fixes

Kafkawize 3.3

Changes include search features in almost all screens, bug fixes and code improvements. Changes include 1. Decline Topic requests 2. Decline Acl requests 3. Bug fix in creating topic request

Kafkawize 3.2

Changes include search features in almost all screens, bug fixes and code improvements.

Kafkawize 3.1

New features: 1. Support for RDBMS store like MySql to store meta information. 1.0 only supports Apache Cassandra. It is one of the important feature which will support many customers who already have an SQL based solution. Changing property db.storetype=rdbms/cassandra will make the difference.

Bug fixes:

There are few bugs which are fixed in Topic requests, acls and schema registry modules.

Changes include search features in almost all screens, bug fixes and code improvements.

Kafkawize 2.0

Kafkawize is a Kafka Topic management tool (A Web application) which automates the process of creating and browsing Kafka components, by introducing roles/authorizations to users of various teams of an organization

Changes include new feature Rdbms support for metastore, package restructuring, jpa/hibernate implementation, improved code quality and bug fixes.

New features: 1. Support for RDBMS store like MySql to store meta information. 1.0 only supports Apache Cassandra. It is one of the important feature which will support many customers who already have an SQL based solution. Changing property db.storetype=rdbms/cassandra will make the difference.

Bug fixes:

There are few bugs which are fixed in Topic requests, acls and schema registry modules.